Monday, September 28, 2009

hye guys!!
se u again ya..huhu
act, today i want 2 share a st0ry ab0ut my fren and i..huhu
she a nice girl and also c0ol like me..truely!!!!hehe
we have befren to0 l0ng and we kn0w each 0ther..seriously!
i l0ve her and i want t0 befren wiyh her until my last breath..[like a c0uple but n0t k!!..she's my bestfren and als0 my besties!]
u i d0n't have any creadit in my ph0ne!!damn..
s0 sad!!!s0, i cann0t text her or als0 call her..
i want go to sh0p to t0p up but..n0 m0ney laa!!
never mind laa...
i miss her sp0ke at the last call fr0m her..
she said..

"salam..fa ka xd0p kdt nyer???hm
xpe laa!ak arap ka t8 cre k!
jgn men2 da..igt ket stdy..huhu
k laa..
ak syg ka sgt2!!!huhu"

it's the last text i get fr0m
i pr0mise..i'll t0p up my ph0ne n call u!!!just wait for me k!!hehe
oh f0rgot!!!
today..she give me s0mething u kn0w..heehe
it's n0t t0o expensive but it really mean f0r me..!thanks 4 that k!!
i kn0w, n0t easy t0 make that pic..i'm s0 pr0ud because get it fr0m u..thanks al0t u!!
k laa!!
thanks 4 visit my ugly bl0g but......
i l0ve u..

Saturday, September 26, 2009

bad day????hm

hye guys..
today i feel like want to see all my beloved frenz bc0z one of my frenz 'g0ne ready'!!!!hm
damn!!s0 sad..why must faster like that???!!
dear god...
he g0 to0 bad!!!!hm
act, yesterday i'm not very well and i sleep early..
at 11 ph0ne s0 busy with the upin ipin
i d0n't care ab0ut that and c0ntiniue my sweet dreamz!!ahakz
and also get 5 call tahat night..[never mind!!..i want sleep!!haha]

but when i woke up to subuh's pray..i read all the msg i get last night!!

azif m0hd n0r da mininggal..xcdent!!tr0k gler!!
es0k jenazah akn d kbumikan.."

i talk with myself!!
why must be like this???!!!
its n0t fair..i ask all my frenz
how c0uld it heppend???
i cann0t belive that azif is g0ne!!!alth0ugh we are n0t cl0se but he still my beloved frenz
and of my bel0ved frenz was g0ne and never c0me back!!
dear g0d!!!
i h0pe, he wiil get a nice place there!!
like at the paredise..amin!!!
i g0nna miss u azif..

plek laa!!!

ade org tlg buat blog nie utk ak kep???
tbe2 je...munc0l "la d0l ce fahana"
lek laa..sadis ta0l!!!
p ta pe laa!!asal kn de bl0g..hahaaha
k laa
miss u damn!!hahaha